Monthly Webinars

 Past Webinars Include:

  • Biofeedback: Training Our Bodies To Heal
  • The Gut Microbiome: Why Those “Buggers” Are So Important in Emotions and Chronic Pain with Dr. Emeran Mayer
  • Pelvic Pain, Period Cramps, Contraception and More with Dr. Andrea Rapkin
  • Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS): risk for pain, POTS, and more? with Dr. Blake Windsor
  • How to get the best pain help from your child’s doctor with Dr. Jody Thomas
  • Understanding your teen's brain: Differences in brain development (neurodiversity) and impact on anxiety, depression, school, peer relationships, and family interactions with Dr. Susan Donner
  • Stomachaches: Brain, Gut, Autonomic Nervous System & Pain with Dr. Beate Beinvogl
  • More than just a Headache - Understanding Migraine in Children and Adolescents with Dr. Hannah Shapiro
  • Adolescent Depression with Sylvanna M. Vargas, PhD, MPH
  • Parenting the Teen and Young Adult with Chronic Pain with Samantha Levy, PhD

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